Caring for the Future of Students, Lazismu Uhamka Distributes Sang Surya Scholarship

Senin, 21 Februari 2022 | 13:05 WIB Last Updated 2022-02-21T06:05:18Z

Dokumentasi dengan pose Uhamka (telunjuk dan jempol tangan kanan menyerupai huruf U)
Amil Zakat Infaq and Sadaqah Institute of Muhammadiyah (Lazismu) Uhamka held the Submission of the Sang Surya Lazismu Scholarship at the University of Muhammadiyah Prof. DR HAMKA (Uhamka) to 100 students. This activity was held online and offline at the zoom meeting and the 4th floor hall of Uhamka Campus A, Monday (21/2).

Bunyamin, Vice Chancellor 4 Uhamka expressed his gratitude and appreciation to the improvements made by Lazismu Uhamka. Lazismu Uhamka manage to improve its quality by adding scholarship recipients this year.

“We are very grateful because there is an increase from the 50 students, now 100 students have been given scholarships. Although we continue to hope that in addition to increasing quantity, quality will also increase and of course this depends on Lazismu's efforts in seeking donors from outside Uhamka," said Bunyamin.

Nandi Rahman as the Chair of Lazismu Uhamka who was present at the event said that the distribution of infaq and sadaqah had been distributed to various fields. He also expressed his gratitude to the donors, namely the Uhamka lecturers and employees who always participate in helping others.

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  • Caring for the Future of Students, Lazismu Uhamka Distributes Sang Surya Scholarship

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